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My Story - Telecom Tech to Human Resources Professional

After a substantial career in telecommunications as a front-line customer service repair technician and change management coordinator, I found myself in a layoff position. Eager to pursue a long-time passion and hobby, I started my own business while deciding what I was going to do next. I engaged in much reflection and career coaching. My desire to lead, entrepreneurial mindset, and big picture thinking made me destined for a business career, but what stream should I choose? Finance, Accounting, Human Resources, Marketing?

I was inspired to pursue a career in Human Resources.

Initially, my experience in training with Scouts Canada and labour relations (LR) as a Steward inspired my choice to pursue Human Resources, but my college experience opened my eyes to many other options. After a short stint at Bell Technical Solutions (BTS) as a Grievance Management Consultant, I discovered that LR was not the best match for my value system. Although I have the knowledge and ability to work on management’s side of the table, I am better at advocating for the employee to be genuinely successful and happy in an LR role.

I am now actively pursuing a position where I can develop people and a positive organizational culture because I want to create a positive work environment where I can champion a great culture, develop world-class programs and build exceptional employee experiences.

My Path to Career Transition

I enrolled in Bussiness Administration, Human Resources program at Sheridan College. My two children, who were also going to Sheridan, were not too happy about this, but I promised that I would ignore them if I saw them in the hallway. It ended up not being an issue. We rarely saw each other as they were taking trades, and I was in the Pilon School of Business and in entirely different parts of the building. I eventually moved to the Mississauga Campus to be more active in the Human Resources Student Association (HRSA).

At Orientation, I met the HRSA Advisor, Professor Shady Hana. He talked about the exciting things the Association engaged in and how I would get real-world experience and develop industry-specific competencies. So I signed up that day to be a member. He also talked about designations and the HRPA.

My first semester was challenging. It had been a long time since I had been in school, and I needed to balance my business demands with my school schedule. Group projects were also challenging during the first two semesters; other students were not at my level of competence, and I found myself coaching and teaching the other students so that we could get superior marks. I was also the editor on most projects. Their English and professional formatting skills were not there, or they did not care. I still think that one of the best skills I learned while at College was how to manage, inspire and develop people to perform their best work.

In my 2nd semester, I truly became a part of the HRSA. I participated in the Mock Interviews as an Interviewer and in the Distribution Game as a facilitator; I also helped with the annual conference. When the call came for people to join the executive, I applied for President. Unfortunately, I did not get the President role but was offered the Executive Vice President role. The President needed to step down for personal reasons by the fall semester, and I took over his team. As people graduate, I need to fill their roles, and In my 4th semester, I created a new org chart and a new HRSA team.

Follow my blog to learn more about me and my transition to HR.


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